About Our Parish



Taxiarchai Greek Orthodox Church had meager beginnings in 1936, when Archbishop Athenagoras visited Laconia and encouraged the Orthodox faithful to begin a community in rooms located above a building known as the Crystal Cafe. Many of the leaders of the community of that time have descendants who still remain deeply involved in the life of the parish. In 1957, plans to build a separate church building began. By 1959, the parishioners had purchased property and erected the building that still stands today. For many years, the church was served by priests who devotedly made long commutes monthly to celebrate the Divine Liturgy for the faithful. In 1985, at the suggestion of Bishop Methodios, liturgies were increased to two Sundays a month, and later added Holy Week and Pascha services. Today, with the encouragement of Metropolitan Methodios, Fr. Anastasios Coulouras, and the dedication of many parishioners and board members, the Taxiarchai Parish supports a priest and offers worship services every Sunday, and on certain Holy days. The priest is also available for blessings and administration of sacraments. 


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Worship Schedule We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM followed by a fellowship coffee hour in our community center.


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Tuesday of the 6th Week

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